You have given negative reviews about my company in many places, but it's not such a big issue. It is natural that something will be liked by someone and not by others. The main priority here is how correct our work is in the eyes of Allah. Along with dealing with the complexities of cancer and other difficulties, I am fighting alongside my family. It doesn't even generate significant income for me to support my family.
These are not the real issues too. Everyone faces some problems, big or small, at some point. We are human beings, and we cannot function without relying on each other's help. On the path of life, we need to be interdependent. Just as many people depend on me, there are also many who rely on you. The effectiveness of the service we provide to others is indeed the main focus.
I released this plugin in 2015, and Alhamdulillah (Praise be to Allah), it has been selling well until now. Almost all of my clients, except for a few, are satisfied with the service, Alhamdulillah. It is unfortunate for me that I have found you in that shortlist as well! However, despite some troubles, you are still using my service. The last inconvenience was from my end. That is why, perhaps driven by ego, you are trying to harm me! You are causing much more harm than what has been caused to you (what actual harm has been caused, in fact?).
I am a person who fears Allah a lot. I don't engage in actions that harm people. Based on that belief, I have entrusted everything to Allah, saying that if the plugins I create and my company cause harm to people, then may Allah destroy everything of mine. And if not, may Allah judge you accordingly. You can certainly be assured within yourself that Allah will not cause you any harm, as you have great confidence in your decisions. However, if you beat me with a stick to satisfy your ego, then prepare yourself for Allah's judgment. Allah is indeed the ultimate judge.
It is generally believed that the prayer of the oppressed is never in vain, especially for those who are sick. Moreover, the Prophet (peace be upon him) has encouraged everyone to seek supplications from those who are unwell. And, you took my and my family's breath away!! May Allah grant you guidance on the right path.